Eric Joyce is my new favorite person in the world

…just because we’re both mad as hell and won’t take it any more.

Shamed politician Eric Joyce admitted he was lucky to avoid jail today for brawling in a Commons bar then telling police: “You can’t touch me, I’m an MP.”

The Labour MP walked away from court with a fine and pub banning order after headbutting Tory rivals Stuart Andrew and Ben Maney in a drunken frenzy.

He also punched Tory councillor Luke Mackenzie and Labour whip Phillip Wilson while calling officers “c****”.

After leaving Mr Andrew with a bloodied nose, “possessed” Joyce told police: “He deserved it.”

Joyce, who accepted he was “hammered” on red wine during the brawl, launched into a frenzied attack after shouting that the Strangers’ Bar “was full of f****** Tories”.

Read the whole article here.

Peaceful revolution is supposed to be good for your karma and all, but sometimes I wonder if the whole idea is just about getting us to disarm ourselves so that the Powers That Be can oppress us more effectively – notice how THEY are not giving up their weapons.  If true, then maybe violence IS the answer.

Eric Joyce is a punk-ass MP and if I were a UK citizen I would totally vote for him.   Some guy from the UK needs to marry me so we can make this happen.

Headbutting Tories = epic WIN.

(Why the Scotland tag?  Richard Jobson tweeted that Eric Joyce should be the new PM of Scotland.  I so agree)

Sundays with Clyfford Still: Clyff was the first punk (4)

Welcome to Sundays with Clyfford Still.  I’m your host, M.K. Hajdin.

This episode is fourth in the series.  You can find the others here.


.1962-D by Clyfford Still

1962-D by Clyfford Still

Here we have one of his paintings from 1962.  A round red shape not unlike a sun peeks out from behind jagged black and white veils.

“I hold it imperative to evolve an instrument of thought which will aid in cutting through all cultural opiates, past and present, so that a direct, immediate, and truly free vision can be achieved. . .and I affirm my profound concern to achieve a purpose beyond vanity, ambition, or remembrance.”  — Clyfford Still

Clyfford Still was about piercing the illusion, facing the void, tearing down the establishment. He was a punk before punk existed.

*Although the punks didn’t have his oratorical skills and had to make up for it with loud guitars.  Not that I have problem with that.


Questions? Comments?  That’s what the comment box below is for. 

You can also tweet them to me with the hashtag #clyffordlove.

Happy Effing Holidays

Christmas at Richard Jobson's house

Nothing in my house is nearly interesting enough to make a Christmas card, so this will have to do.

I vandalized an innocent picture taken by my twitter pal Richard Jobson, who is still smoking hot after all these years.

This I do for you, dear readers, because I really care.