New painting in progress: Louise’s painting

Louise's painting, as yet untitled, by M.K. Hajdin

Louise’s painting, as yet untitled, by M.K. Hajdin

I have a smallish square canvas handy which I decided to put to good use as a painting for my Twitter friend and fellow feminist @LeStewpot. Running low on supplies but I’ll keep going until all my paints run out.

6 things that happen when you write about feminism

Read this now.

Sarah Ditum

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1. You will be accused of hating men

At first this will sound ridiculous. Then you’ll feel irritated. Then you might feel riled and want to say: “YES I HATE MEN AND THEY MUST ALL BECOME SOYLENT GREEN.”

But the truth is, I don’t hate men. I just think I am awesome – too awesome for my life to be decided along the lines of what someone else thinks is appropriate to my gender. Too awesome to go around cringing over the fact that I am woman-shaped and have woman interests and woman-y inside-bits.

The people who accuse feminism of hating men have a very fragile, narrow idea of being a man – they’re something like a fluorescent tube. They are worried that any change will shatter them. Feel sorry for them, but not too sorry: like the rest of us, they will probably be OK.

2. You will get…

View original post 688 more words

The Longest Day (of edelweiss)

It’s Midsummer Day, when the day is longer than any other day of the year, but I don’t have any cool druid friends around to jump over a bonfire with, so instead I am posting pictures of my edelweiss.  I’ve never successfully grown edelweiss before and am very proud of it.  (Even though the cat ate some of the flowers off of it!)



More edelweiss

More edelweiss

Total edelweiss madness

Total edelweiss madness

Artwork of the Day: Samantha Keely Smith

Vessel by Samantha Keely Smith.  Source

Vessel by Samantha Keely Smith. Source

Samantha Keely Smith is a British-born, New York based artist.

Smith’s artwork represents a striving to reconcile the inner world of instinct and the tidal sweep of our emotional life, with an external world that is both beautiful and hostile in its natural grandeur. She attempts to map the place where these worlds intersect.

(From Smith’s artist statement)

Her website can be found here.