Ungrateful Oik is ungrateful for this

Because we all love stories about people behaving badly:

Alas, unloved painting:  "Red, Purple, Green" by M.K. Hajdin

Alas, unloved painting: “Red, Purple, Green” by M.K. Hajdin

Postal tracking shows the (rolled) painting has arrived at the office of Ungrateful Oik.   Although I emailed him instructions for unrolling and mounting the artwork, he has not replied nor has he bothered to thank me for this gift, worth over 1500 pounds British sterling.

The painting was made to his specifications about size, colors, et cetera and he had said before (back when he was speaking to me) that he absolutely loved it.

I’ve seen him online, tweeting to other people, but ignoring me.

He’s a public figure.  I’m tempted to reveal his name.  Oik.


(Edited to add:  I did reveal it.  Here’s the entire story.)

Artwork of the Day: Louise Weinberg

Still Life with Apples by Louise Weinberg.  Source

Still Life with Apples by Louise Weinberg.  Source

I like the delicate lines and almost ghostly color palette.

Also like this reaction from one of my followers:

Louise Weinberg has a site here. Do have a look at her other works.

Artists: Your Work Deserves A Title

Untitled by Peter Doig

Untitled by Peter Doig

Artspace posted this on my twitter feed today.  It’s a lovely, atmospheric work.  I only wish it had a title.

It can be hard to think of a good title.  So hard that it’s tempting to just not title it at all and let the viewer make up their own mind what the painting is about.  This was really popular during the Minimalist movement in the 1970s.

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From my notes: A painting is a magic hat

Beyond the Veil

Beyond the Veil, my artwork, 2011

A painting is a magic hat.

I may put a rabbit in the hat, but someone might pull out a peacock or a platypus.

What other people get out of it isn’t always the same as what I put in.

That’s part of the magic.