The death of sex

“A staffer told me they stopped showing a film of a child being cut as too many men stood around laughing.”

A blog by Melinda Tankard-Reist about why “sex positive” is neither sexy or positive

P.S.  Every one of those commenters needs to read Nine Deuce’s blog, and this post in particular.

Crying far air not to be had


The Armoury Show

This is summer – some are watching
Understanding the promises
That drift away – they drift away
Nothing to share in low water
Over above an avalanche she falls away

This summer – some are August
Crying far air not to be had
Is this the way is this the way
More than enough move to the side
Watch him pass he passes by he gets away

If I could lose myself and dream away
Day upon day upon day upon day
In an avalanche she drifts away
Over its over its over its over

I wish we could be together
I wish we could be together again
Like a play on words


It’s hot.

I’m trying to be more social.  Not easy in a country where I can’t really speak the local language.

I went out for coffee with my neighbor P. early this morning today before it got too hot.  I had the bright idea to go have coffee at the castle* next time, but she’s going away to Izola for a week so it will have to wait for two weeks.

*over our valley looms a very old and recently renovated castle, which has a restaurant and cafe in it

I’ll try to get pics, but my Chernobyl-dropped camera is on its last legs.

Oh, and I didn’t get anything artistic done today because it’s too hot.  Except for mailing Louise’s painting which I did earlier this morning as we were going by our weird little post office which is only open a few hours a day.

What I’ve been doing lately

Thanks to all the feminists who have helped me this month.  I’ll be able to survive,  maybe even prevail, thanks to you.

I haven’t posted much on this blog, because the heat’s been excruciating and I haven’t been able to get much done.

I have finished three paintings and all I have to do is get them to the post office during the few hours which it is open,  but walking 3 km to town in this weather is like walking to the sun.

Thanks to @Gobtastic who sent me some canvas pliers, tea, and canvas, I’ve got enough canvas to start another painting, but I need staples or tacks to adhere it to the frame.  That means a trip to the hardware store in a town 14 km away, impossible in this heat.

I can’t even write a coherent blog post.


Sketch: Blue, Yellow, White

Blue, Yellow, White by M.K. Hajdin

Blue, Yellow, White by M.K. Hajdin

I made this for a color-blind Scottish cabdriver.

He picked the colors as he’s only red/green color-blind. It was a challenge to make art for someone who can’t see all the colors in the spectrum, but I think I did OK. He was happy.

For @Gabicabi

See me on

So I’ve joined this website called which will help my artwork get more exposure if enough people vote to support it.

If you like my art, would you take a quick second to click here and then on “Support”?  It’s easy and free.  Thanks!

Blue, Green, Terracotta sketch by M.K. Hajdin

Blue, Green, Terracotta sketch by M.K. Hajdin

Painting of the Day: Lesley Oldaker

painting by Lesley Oldaker

Passing Through by Lesley Oldaker.  Source

Lesley Oldaker is a British-born artist living in Switzerland.  I like the atmospheric, almost ghostly effect in her paintings.

Lesley Oldaker’s website is here.