Quote of the Day: The Elegance of Lyrical Abstraction

Madame Matisse, 1983. Acrylic on canvas, 60×122 1/2 inches.  Source

Madame Matisse, by Helen Frankenthaler, 1983. Acrylic on canvas, 60×122 1/2 inches.   Source

There is a balanced, aesthetic elegance one can immediately sense in lyrical abstraction.

The art of lyrical abstraction allows us to ponder meanings and emotions in ways that mere stripes of color, for instance, don’t. Lyrical abstraction has something to say, and it often takes on the dynamics of psychological exploration. It may or may not include suggestions or representations of imagery from the natural world. The paintings may vary widely in visual effect, but all share a similar intent: evoking feelings of essence—and that all-important connection to higher, more esoteric worlds.

From this excellent article by Michael Cook over at Artinsight.