Handwriting Analysis Results: Neeks

Handwriting Analysis Week will continue into the weekend…

So far I have done the Limebird Writers  Laura, Beth, Aaron, KateSally and  Gillian.

Now it’s Neeks’ turn!

Neeks' handwriting sample

And here’s what I can make out despite my eyestrain:

Slightly backward slant:  Somewhat introverted

Narrow letters:  Anxiety, social inhibition

Arcade formations in the M and N letters: keeps feelings to self;  desire for  free expression but afraid to rock the boat

Curved letters:  Accommodating nature

Tall “I” that points at itself:  Wants public recognition

Baselines:  can’t read because lined paper was used,  however, Neeks seems pretty self-disciplined

Open left-trailing y:  feeling unfulfilled in a physical way (no, I’m not going there, she may just want to play a sport and not be able to)

Connected letters: Logical

Precisely placed i-dots:  Careful, detail-oriented

Closed, looped letter o:  Secretive

Narrow pointy capital D:  Tense about something in the imaginative realm, maybe an unfinished project?

How’d I do?  Let me know in the comments.

For some reason, I’m now craving chocolate.  Sweet,  decadent, creamy chocolate.

Handwriting Analysis Results: Sarah

Handwriting Analysis Week continues.

I’ve done the Limebird Writers and friends  Laura, Beth, Aaron, KateSally and  Gillian.

Now it’s Sarah’s turn.  Sarah posted a link to her handwriting sample over on her blog.  Here it is:

Sarah's handwriting sample

Sarah's handwriting sample

The first thing I notice about Sarah’s writing is that it is greatly simplified.  The letter formation is clear and easy to read, but the style is idiosyncratic.  This kind of writing is often found among artistic people.  Sarah marches to her own drummer and it’s quite likely anything she does is distinctively hers.

She’s used lined paper, so I can’t tell anything about the baselines, but the lower loops get tangled with the letters below, which suggests that sometimes she gets caught up in other people to the point where she forgets about herself – but the tangling isn’t too bad, so the trait isn’t that major a problem.

Slight backward slant:   Slightly introverted

Simplified capitals (very simplified overall): Literary as well as artistic

No upper or lower loops:  Independent

Medium-heavy pressure:  Reasonably good energy level and vitality

Some needle points on the letter m:  Curious,  likes solving puzzles and mysteries

Narrow middle zone : Feels some tension in the social sphere


How did I do?  Let me know in the comments below.

Handwriting analysis results: Gillian

Handwriting analysis week continues!

So far I have done the Limebird Writers  Laura, Beth, Aaron, Kate, and Sally.  I’m waiting on a better sample from Neeks.

Now it’s Gillian’s turn.  Here’s her sample:

Handwriting sample from Gillian

Gillian's handwriting sample

And here’s my impression of Gillian’s personality based on her writing style:

Light pressure, relatively small letters, detailed letters:  Sensitive, gentle, spiritual

Curved letter forms:  Easygoing, pleasant, kind

Fast writing, simplified letter forms:  Fast thinker, powerful imagination

Upright slant that occasionally goes backward:  A rational person, introverted, withdraws into self when under pressure

Straight baseline, even margins:  Self-disciplined

Pointed top of letter “m” – investigator, researcher,  ferrets out information, plays detective

Big upper-zone loops, i-dot high :  Imaginative, ambitious

Full, closed lower loops:  satisfied with physical life ( good sex life? or just happy playing a sport or something similar)

Some simplified lower loops:  Independent

Wide word spacing:  needs plenty of space, physical and emotional

Connected letters:  Logical

Ascending signature:  Optimistic

Gillian is a somewhat introverted, but intellectually lively and emotionally sensitive person.  She is very imaginative, but her approach to life is self-disciplined and realistic.   Every so often she needs alone time to recharge her energy.


How’d I do?  Let me know in the comments below.

Revolting Font of the Day: The Palmer Method

This is an example of the hideous font formerly taught to innocent children in American schools. Thankfully it has now been abandoned, at least in California.

I remember many unpleasant hours scratching holes into the paper with those big fat pencils they make little kids use, trying to get those big stupid loops right.  They used to keep me in at recess to practice this shit instead of letting me go out to play like a normal kid.   A pox on Palmer and all his kind.

Look at the monstrosity below and tell me true:  have you ever seen writing uglier than this?

Palmer method writing

The bane of my young existence

Handwriting Analysis Results: Sally

So I have done handwriting analysis of Laura, Beth, Aaron, Kate, and now it’s Sally’s turn.

Here’s her handwriting sample:

Sally's handwriting sample

Handwriting sample from Sally

Aside from making my stardust feel particularly shiny, Sally bets me that I can’t even read her sample.  Ha!  You lost that bet!

Sally has an interesting writing style called threaded writing.  People who write this way have minds that work so fast that their writing can’t keep up and sometimes other people have difficulty following.  Threaded writing also suggests a flexible, adaptable mind.

Upright slant:  Independent, rational

Small writing:  Humility, ability to concentrate on details.  Often found in handwriting of scientists

Large loops in upper zone:  Huge imagination, idealistic, prone to daydreaming

Big broad capitals, open “o” :  Likes to be center of attention, loves to talk

Simple letter “I” : Literary, unpretentious

Mixture of connected and disconnected letters:   Both logical and  intuitive.

Open lower loops trailing leftward:  Preoccupied with the past

Lowercase “g” shaped like figure 8:  Cultured

Weak t-bars:  unassertive, needs to work on self-confidence

Signature ascending:  Optimistic

How’d I do?  Let me know in the comments below.

If you’d like a handwriting analysis,  you can put a link to your handwriting sample in the comments.

Handwriting Analysis Results: Kate

As you may know, I am doing free handwriting analyses all week.  I’ve already done Laura, Beth and Aaron, and now it’s Kate’s turn.

Here we go.  The sample:

Kate's writing sample

Handwriting sample from Kate

I can identify the following characteristics:

90 degree slant: (writing does not lean forward at all)  Independence, self-control, neutrality, self-sufficiency.

Straight baseline:  Realistic,  disciplined

Idiosyncratic letter formations:  Artistic, creative

Almost no loops:   Gets to the point

Long terminal strokes:  Holds on to people and things, doesn’t like to let things go

The top of the letter M forms sharp points:  curiosity, likes research and investigation, natural detective

Simplified writing, block capitals:  Literary

Small capitals:  Humility

Disconnected letters:  Intuitive thinker

Broad letters, wide spacing:  Generosity, adventurousness, fearlessness

The overall impression is that of a strong, independent personality who does things her own way.



Was I right? Let me know in the comments.

I am doing handwriting analysis all this week.  Want one?  Just post me a link to your sample.

Handwriting analysis results: Aaron and Beth

This week I’m doing handwriting analysis.   I’ve already done Laura’s and today

it’s Aaron and Beth’s turn.

In alpahabetical order, here’s Aaron’s sample.

Aaron's handwriting sample

Aaron's handwriting sample

Aaron’s writing has the following characteristics:

Simplified, disconnected letters with no upper or lower loops:  Literary.  Intuitive thinker.  Unpretentious, straightforward.  No-nonsense.

Slight forward slant:  Friendly, respects social boundaries

Large writing:  Enthusiasm.  Philsophical bent. Sees the big picture, not hung up on details.  Doesn’t like small spaces or feeling “boxed in”.

Pointed top of the letter M:  Investigative mind,  wants to get to the bottom of things, loves a mystery

Ascending lines,  tall capital A in signature, underscored signature: Optimistic, fun,  energetic, self-confident.

And here we have Beth:

Beth's handwriting sample

Beth's handwriting sample

In Beth’s writing we see these characteristics:

Leading stroke:  “My” begins with a curved leading stroke, which indicates tactfulness,  consideration of the feelings of others, and sometimes difficulty with being direct.

Narrow margins: Friendly, social, not many boundaries

Simplified capitals:  Literary (as are all handwriting characteristics such as printing which resemble the kind of text you see in books rather than fancy penmanship).

Simplified capital “I” :  modest, likable personality.  (A huge ornate “I” would indicate the opposite).

Curved writing:  Easygoing, sociable, pleasant.

I-dots far forward of the stems:  excited about the future, a little impatient for it to get here.  Optimistic.  Visionary.

Closed o’s with loops:  Beth doesn’t automatically tell everything she knows.  She can be trusted to keep a secret.

Wide loops:  Sensitive.

But no wide loops on the letter “d”!  Beth is tougher in the face of criticism than you might think!

Heavier pressure:  Strong-willed.  The “iron fist in the velvet glove”.  Sensual.  Likes luxury.  (light writing would indicate spirituality and rejection of materialistic things).

Emoticons and Xs:  humorous, affectionate.

So was I right or was I way off?  Let me know in the comments.

Keep those handwriting samples coming.  I’m doing this all week.  I might even do samples of famous artists, if enough people are interested.

Handwriting analysis results: Laura

Handwriting example exhibit L

Quick analysis reveals:

Narrow margins:  Friendly,  “no boundaries”, gets involved in anything and everything; doesn’t know when to say no; is often overextended.

Some crowded letters: another sign of “no boundaries”

Relatively disconnected letters:  Intuitive thinker.  Impatient with logical nitpickers.

Simplified capitals:  Literary bent.

Upper loops but no lower loops:  energy focused into the imagination rather than the physical world.  Phyisically frustrated in some way.  Avoids confrontation.  “Escapes” into the imagination.

Undulating baseline:  changeable moods,  up and down, intermittent bursts of energy

Large writing, 90 degree slant:  Large writing indicated sociability and broad perspective, but straight slant shows skepticism or intellectual reserve

Big d-loops:  sensitive to criticism.

Pressure:  The force of the personality is average, neither heavy or light

Fast writer:  Quick thinker, fluent writer


Want a free handwriting analysis?  Reply to this comment with a link to your handwriting  sample.

Handwriting analysis: the key to my painting issues?

scrap of paper from my desk

Exhibit A: handwriting sample from self

A scrap of paper from my desk, upon which I attempted to describe the problems I have had lately with expressing ideas in painting.

Somewhere between imagination and reality, I start to lose things

I have an idea shimmering in my head, but when I try to force it out into the world, it becomes a mangled mess.  I get frustrated and look for something else to distract myself for a while.

It’s interesting to look at people’s handwriting, isn’t it?  Especially now that letter-writing is practically a lost art.

I used to do handwriting analysis.  My own writing says that I’m a quick thinker, introspective, artistic,  slightly anxious, and like research and investigation.

Want a quick handwriting analysis for free?  Take a photo of something you wrote and post a link to it below.   I like doing this kind of thing.